Standard "if this were Roto" scoring
I'll point out that the top 2 spots get their points completely differently (Burt is all or nothing, Daleks are decent everywhere. Same can be said for the bottom two, who experience the same thing (except more nothing and less all, or replace decent with less than adequate).
Also of note is the first 10 win (and first 2 win) weeks. Thanks Max for having no offense except steals.
I will post the full roto table on my blog later (probably later today). I wouldn't mind posting it in some sortable form instead of pictures. If you have tips for doing that in HTML (or blogspot shortcuts) let me know.
Update (2): [link][/link] There's the link to the full table. Let me know if you have a preference in the "large image file" vs "somewhat unreadable but exportable table" full results battle.
Update: Instead of doing that, I made the league's first video recap. Check it out.
If you are capable/interested I highly recommend that different people do something like this each week.